Student Solution


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Course Prefixes: POL 300 week 1 discussion

Course Prefixes: POL 300 week 1 discussion

Q How will demographic changes, especially those related to the ethnic composition and age distribution of the American population, effect the millennial generation as it approaches middle age? Based on the current projections noted in this chapter, how will these changes influence the composition of future political leadership and what specific changes in public policy might these demographic changes bring about? What does the future of citizenship look like to you?

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It has been observed that millennials are the most diverse generation and the largest adult generation in the United States. They have begun to share the spotlight with the Generation Z. Millennials who are of ages 23 to 38 are going to outnumber the Baby Boomers (ages 55 to 73) as pet Census Bureau projections (Cilluffo & Cohn, 2019). Millennials are more educated, more racially and ethnically diverse, and marry at a slow pace than older generations (Cilluffo & Cohn, 2019). They are earning more as compared to their older generations but have less wealth than the Boomers did at the same age, the reason can be student loan debt which is usually of higher amounts.